Schedule of Events
39th International No-Dig Mexico 2023
39th International No-Dig Mexico 2023
Monday 16th October
10:00 Board meeting (Room D), Expo Santa Fe
10:30 – 17:00 Registration open, Hall A, Expo Santa Fe
14:00-17:00 International Council Meeting (Room D), Expo Santa Fe
17:00-18:30 Drink Reception for Council Members (Same room as the Council Meeting)

Tuesday 17th October
- 08:30 Registration open, Hall A, Expo Santa Fe
- 09:30 Opening Ceremony, Hall A, Expo Santa Fe
The ceremony is attended by decision-makers of the water industry in Mexico! See the attendees. 10:30-16.30 Technical Program (Rooms B3/B4/B5) Expo Santa Fe
13:30-14:30 CIPP Roundtable Discussions
A panel has been assembled with international trenchless experts that specialize in the design and construction of Cured-In-Place Pipe (CIPP). The panel will address all of the “hot topics” in the CIPP industry. The interactive panel will respond to audience questions and comments to facilitate a real-time discussion. The panel includes Dec Downy, one of the world’s leading experts in CIPP. Dec will be accompanied by manufacturers, engineers, and contractor. Don’t miss your chance to participate in the discussions!19:00-23.30 Awards Dinner at Loma Linda – see more details
Ticketed event ($225) – Information
Dress code: Smart casual
Venue map: Click here
Wednesday 18th October
- 08:30 Registration open, Hall A, Expo Santa Fe
09:30-16:30 Technical Program (Rooms B3/B4/B5) Expo Santa Fe
13:00-14:30 Municipal Leaders
The conference will include a dedicated session for local executives in the water and wastewater industry to present on their district and specific trenchless opportunities to improve their systems. This will be a great opportunity to hear about future needs and upcoming projects from across Mexico. Click here to view the discussion panel16:30 Exhibition close